The Alexander Techniquewith Jill Payne


What is the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique is a skilful way of thinking about how you use your body. It teaches you how to move more naturally with less strain, so everything you do feels easier and lighter.
Walking, standing, using your computer - even resting - become more comfortable, with less pain or stiffness.

Change bad habits: Your body is an amazing instrument but over time it has acquired habits of tension, imbalance and compression. These bad habits put extra force on your muscles, joints and organs causing postural problems, pain, fatigue and many other common problems.

Learn to change:  With regular AT lessons you can change the harmful habits of a lifetime and find a more natural state of balance, ease and mobility.
Most people begin with weekly lessons and reduce the frequency as their skills improve.
More frequent lessons in the early weeks will speed your rate of improvment.

AT in the local news:
A local journalist takes a "life-changing lesson" with Jill - read her report online.

  "I thoroughly recommend Jill for a holistic, time efficient way to
   improve in sport as well as all other aspects of life"

   Harry Phelps, triathlete.

                      Phone or email to book a lesson with Jill